Sunday, September 6, 2009

It Is Officially Over

Everything was blur last week.
I was bombarded with so many questions.
"What do I do first?
How will I finish this?

Is this the right thing to write?
Will I get good grades?..."

All those questions were in my mind.
I am so glad 1st term is officially over.
I'm so sick of it.
All those dreadful days and sleepless nights...
11 subjects + group & individual paperwork + field work

The term was like a tour in a haunted house.
You'll never know when the scary "ghosts" would come out.
I think it is because
I had a lot of subjects- not that I am complaining. :P
Gawd. I don't know how I managed to survive the term.
I cannot think properly during the last week of the term.
I also must say pressure does not combine well with tonsillitis.
It was so stressful that I cried for two consecutive nights. :|
Oh well, at least it's over now.
Gayle is happy again :D

Hello happy days!!! :)
Hello termbreak!

Next stop: Sacred Heart School :) *Practicum*

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