Thursday, July 8, 2010

Lost Somewhere

"Take a stand.
Leave it all behind.
The sooner you accept things the faster you let go.
Be strong."

But how?
What is the first step?
How will I start?
Do I have to stay away from everyone?

Just like in writing a composition, the introduction is the hardest to write. As you put into words all your thoughts, everything just follows naturally. Is it the same with feelings? If you take the first BIG step, you'll be able to walk comfortably afterwards? GAAAAAHH. Can I ask for help? I'm lost somewhere between the 1st paragraph and the 3rd. Can I just jump to the conclusion and get this done and over with? :'( Why is it so hard? I'm not being a big girl's blouse. It's just that it's... I don't know... Hard, I guess? I couldn't even explain it myself. Forget it. I'll just shut up.

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