Saturday, May 22, 2010

Boracay Escapade Day 1

At long last we arrived at Boracay Island!
My first time to be here... :D
Since the flight was at 6ish in the morning and
we had to be at the airport by 4am, I didn't sleep the whole night. :))
I'm very excited to see the white sand of the beach and
excited to be with my HS friends. :D
We didn't do much on the 1st day, but we had a LONG day.
We just went to the beach, ate, ate, and ate.
We also partied at one of the popular clubs in Bora. ;)
Oh gosh...
Here it goes...

*Flight number

*In the plane

*Transfer boat going to the island

*Hello Fairways and Bluewater

*While waiting for the service car

*The AWESOME beach of Boracay

*Big breakfast at Lemon Cafe

*Walking around D*Mall

*Back to the beach

*Buried Ahya Redd in the sand

*Foodtrip before going back to the resort

*Dinner at Fish Bar

*Sand castles and Poy:">

*At Club Parao >:)

*Walking advertisements

To end the long day & night,
most of us got drunk. :| Including me...
I'm sorry tricycle driver and Andok's crew! :|
What happened in Bora stays in Bora. ;)

FTW, here's a photo of me enjoying the view of the island

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