Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ah, Yes.

It has been a month.
Who would have thought that it was only a month ago that
things turned completely different and heartbreaking?
It actually felt more than that already.
I guess being "busy" with happy things really did work.
I was able to get back on my feet
and I survived it.

Gist of this blog post?
 Two people who decided to part ways just because
the world does not conspire with their love anymore.
End of story.

A one way relationship can never and will never work.
 I honestly still do not know why we
stopped fighting for it.
But will all due respect, understanding his sudden decision
 is one of the things I would do again if I have to.
His happiness is far more important. Full stop.
Ah, things love can do...
No matter how strong I may come out,
I know it still hurts. So much.

If I may be honest,
can I say that I still love that person
even if he has bruised my heart very badly?

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